Plugin Hub > Websockets

npm version
yarn add @graphql-ez/plugin-websockets


Integration with:


import { ezWebSockets } from '@graphql-ez/plugin-websockets'; const ezApp = CreateApp({ ez: { plugins: [ ezWebSockets('adaptive'), // ... ], }, // ... }); export type WebSocketOptions = // If you enable both protocols, it will automatically adapt to the correct protocol based on the client | { subscriptionsTransport?: | { rootValue?: any; validationRules?: readonly any[] | ((context: ValidationContext) => any)[]; onOperation?: Function; onOperationComplete?: Function; onDisconnect?: Function; keepAlive?: number; } | boolean; // Check graphQLWS?: Omit<GraphQLWSOptions, 'schema' | 'execute' | 'subscribe' | 'context' | 'validate' | 'onSubscribe'> | boolean; wsOptions?: { verifyClient?: | (( info: { origin: string; secure: boolean; req: IncomingMessage; }, callback: (res: boolean, code?: number, message?: string, headers?: OutgoingHttpHeaders) => void ) => void) | ((info: { origin: string; secure: boolean; req: IncomingMessage }) => boolean); clientTracking?: boolean; perMessageDeflate?: boolean | PerMessageDeflateOptions; maxPayload?: number; }; } // Only use graphql-ws library protocol | 'new' // Only use legacy subscriptions-transport-ws protocol | 'legacy' // Automatically use the correct protocol based on the client, the default value | 'adaptive';

Next.js Compatibility#

This plugin is not supported for Next.js, since it follows the serverless architecture, and Websockets are not supported in serverless.

If you really need websockets for Next.js, you can use libraries like fastify-nextjs to use Fastify as a custom server for Next.js.

Plugin Details

Jan 4th, 2024