Fastify Integration#


yarn add fastify graphql graphql-ez @graphql-ez/fastify yarn add -D @types/node


Server module

import Fastify from 'fastify'; import { ezApp } from './ez'; const app = Fastify({ logger: true, }); const { fastifyPlugin } = ezApp.buildApp({ // ... }); app.register(fastifyPlugin); app.listen({ port: 8080 });

EZ App module

import { CreateApp, gql } from '@graphql-ez/fastify'; export const ezApp = CreateApp({ // You can use any valid GraphQL Schema schema, ez: { plugins: [ // EZ Plugins ], }, envelop: { plugins: [ // Envelop Plugins ], }, // Other Options });

Build Custom Context#

The Fastify specific arguments are optional since, in some specific contexts, those might not available, but you can always use the HTTP's IncomingMessage req

import { CreateApp, BuildContextArgs, InferContext } from '@graphql-ez/fastify'; function buildContext({ req, fastify }: BuildContextArgs) { // IncomingMessage req; // FastifyRequest | undefined fastify?.request; return { foo: 'bar', }; } // This snippet allows you to infer the context returned by your 'buildContext' and add it to the EZContext interface declare module 'graphql-ez' { interface EZContext extends InferContext<typeof buildContext> {} } export const ezApp = CreateApp({ // ... buildContext, });

Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS)#

To enable CORS, specify the cors property in your configuration

CreateApp({ cors: true, });

Check fastify-cors for all the available options.

CreateApp({ // Check cors: { // ... }, });